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unit function中文是什么意思

用"unit function"造句"unit function"怎么读"unit function" in a sentence


  • 单位函数


  • This unit functions for all flight stages, thus providing a high degree of commonality of guidance and control hardware .
  • Dalleson believed that if he could make his own small unit function perfectly the rest of the division would follow his example .
  • How are the parental units functioning these days
  • How are the parental units functioning these days
  • In chapter 4 , the paper introduced constitutes of function space and distribution of the unit house . the basic principles of the distribution of the unit function space were stated
  • Filip buys an 8mm camera to record the first years of his baby daughter , but his factory bosses decide that it is best used to serve the people , and request that he films various work unit functions
  • The outcome depends on whether our many units function better or worse by being part of a larger enterprise and whether capital allocation improves or deteriorates when it is uder the direction of a holding company
  • This network ’ s structure is similar to the rbf neural network rather than the conventional ellipsoidal unit neural network . in the new network , the ellipsoidal unit functions are used in the hidden layer , and the weights between the hidden nods and the output nods are all connected . a method of rough k - means is used for obtaining the centers of ellipsoidal basic functions and the way of deciding the threshold
    本文改进了一种椭球单元神经网络,它与经典椭球网络的结构不同,而与rbf神经网络结构类似:它的隐层节点采用椭球单元函数,代替了rbf网络的高斯基函数,并且用粗糙k -均值方法求取椭球基函数的中心,给出了确定初始阈值的方法。
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